Nasha Mukti Kendra

NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar

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The problem of drug addiction and alcoholism needs to be tackled head-on. The Govt. of India has started the Nasha Mukti Abhiyan to solve this problem. Many social sector organizations are joining in this campaign. One of them is NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION, a leading organization in working to solve drug addiction. They have setup the best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar and other places in Punjab to help addicts.

NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION is setting up drug rehabilitation centers to help society and help in solving the problem of drug addiction. Every addict needs to be properly treated so their life is saved. They need a chance to be rehabilitated and lead a normal life once again. NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s government-approved Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar offers the best treatment for addicts.

What addictions are cured at the Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar?

At NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar, the focus is mainly on treating drug addictions. The center also helps alcohol addicts and cures them of their addiction. The center is known for helping drug addicts be freed from their addiction. Whether they are consuming cannabis, opium, or any other substance, the center treats them.

Alcoholics are also treated and helped to give up alcohol. For both these addictions, the patient suffers withdrawal symptoms on immediately stopping the consumption. The Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar offers detoxification to help treat the patient. Withdrawal symptoms are treated along with other symptoms. Therapies are then used to help the patient be completely cured.

A very important part of the treatment for addictions is preparing the patient for the post-release life. It is vital that the patient should not go back to their addictions after returning home. To do this, mental strength is needed. At the Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar, patients are counseled and helped to be strong. They are motivated to remain addiction-free even after release.

Why choose NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar?

If you know someone suffering from addictions, you can help them by recommending them to go for a de-addiction program. NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s Nasha Mukti Kendra in Thanesar is the best center that helps drug and alcohol addicts. The following are the reasons why you should choose NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s rehabilitation center:

  • The reputation and credibility of NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION make the center one you can trust.
  • The center is approved by the government.
  • The excellent track record of the center in treating patients is why patients should choose this center.
  • The center has qualified doctors and trained staff who are well-experienced.
  • The center has the best facilities to ensure proper treatment.
  • The best treatment protocols are followed at the center.
  • Apart from medical treatments, non-medical treatments like Yoga, meditation, and nutrition ensure a holistic treatment for the patient.
  • The center prepares patients for their life ahead by ensuring they don’t relapse.

There is no doubt that NEW GENERATION CARE FOUNDATION’s rehabilitation center is the best for patients suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. The best treatment provided ensures effective results.

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